Clay Shop
Clay cookware is a type of cooking vessel made from natural clay that is used for cooking and serving food. Clay utensils have been used for centuries in many different cultures around the world, including India, Mexico, and the Mediterranean region.
In Gjakova the shop called Tradita is run by Luan Qukani and his whole family for 34 years now.
Luani has talked about the progress of the work, how to find the work tools, and how the materials are processed until the final stage. He further announced that the clay is taken in Gjakovë, in Kodër Çabrati, where they dig it and process it with work tools, and according to him, it takes a lot of dedication until it comes to the final process. "The stages of work are really difficult, I say difficult, not for me, but that cannot be realized by a simple person who wants to learn something. In the beginning, you have to find the location where you get the clay, despite the fact that we have Çabrati Hill in Gjakova, even there it is not easy to find the clay, you need more or less research to find the clay, and which is necessary for us in order to achieve a result in the finalization of the pots", confesses the potter, who goes on to say that after the clay is buried, it is taken to the workshop, then it undergoes several stages, such as processing and removing the branches, grinding clay, waste removal. Finally vacuuming the prez and making the balls to take it to the circuit in the desired container it needs to take the desired shape.
Ceramics that are made from clay, when they eventually get broken down into particles, they do not harm the environment, they do not release any toxic gas into the atmosphere when they do. They are entirely eco-friendly.